ESP rate could unravel budget

The proposed rate increases for Energy Services of Pensacola appear to be the biggest trouble spot for Mayor Ashton Hayward in getting his budget passed. Yesterday, Councilmen Ronald Townsend and P.C. Wu appeared ready to join Deweese, Myers and Pratt on voting against the rate increase. None of them offered any suggestions for balancing the ESP budget without the increase.

Councilmen Brian Spencer moved to table the rate increase, which passed.

The General Fund depends on a transfer from ESP to be balanced—as it as for decades. How will the Pensacola City Council balance the ESP budget with the rate increase?

No budget amendments for ESP have been to council or the mayor, at least none that have been made public.

That is the question Townsend, Wu, Deweese, Myers and Pratt should answer. For years, the council has avoided properly funding maintenance and repair for ESP, even though rate studies recommended gradual rate increases. Hayward has inherited a bad situation because of past decisions—or is it indecisions?—and he has an obligation to fix it.

Today at 5:15, the Pensacola City Council has its first public hearing on the budget.
