Evers will chair Criminal Justice committee

Incoming Senate President Mike Haridopolos today announced the Chairman of each of the Senate’s 27 standing committees and subcommittees and one joint legislative committee.
Group I
Agriculture * Gary Siplin, Chair
Communications, Energy, and Public Utilities * Lizbeth Benacquisto, Chair
Community Affairs * Michael Bennett, Chair
Environmental Preservation and Conservation * Charles Dean, Chair

Group II
Banking and Insurance * Garrett Richter, Chair
Commerce and Tourism * Nancy Detert, Chair
Regulated Industries * Dennis Jones, Chair
Transportation * Jack Latvala, Chair

Group III
Children, Family and Elder Affairs * Ronda Storms, Chair
Criminal Justice * Greg Evers, Chair
Education and Pre K-12 * Stephen Wise, Chair
Health Regulations * Rene Garcia, Chair
Higher Education * Steve Oelrich, Chair
Judiciary * Anitere Flores, Chair

Group IV
Subcommittee on Ethics and Elections * Miguel Diaz de la Portilla, Chair
Governmental Oversight and Accountability * Jeremy Ring, Chair
Military Affairs, Space and Domestic Security * Thad Altman, Chair
Reapportionment * Don Gaetz, Chair

Group V
Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations * Mike Fasano, Chair
Subcommittee on Finance and Tax * Ellyn Bogdanoff, Chair
Subcommittee on General Government Appropriations * Alan Hays, Chair
Subcommittee on Health and Human Services Appropriation * Joe Negron, Chair
Subcommittee on Higher Education Appropriations * Evelyn Lynn, Chair
Subcommittee on Education and Pre K-12 Appropriations * David Simmons, Chair
Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism and Economic Development Appropriations * Don Gaetz, Chair

Group VI
Rules Committee and Calendar Group * John Thrasher, Chair
Budget Committee * J.D. Alexander, Chair

Joint Committees
Administrative Procedures * Jim Norman, Chair