EW Bullock better contract for Pensacola airport than Zimmerman

I finished my comparison of the marketing costs for the Pensacola Airport under The Zimmerman Agency and the prior ad agency, EW Bullock Associates

The EWB contract was much less expensive agreement.

The Zimmerman Agency, whose contract has been terminated by Mayor Ashton Hayward effective Feb. 28, was paid $102,000 to manage the Airport marketing for 2012. TZA spent $355,379.66 on advertising and marketing, plus $714.78 on travel.

EW Bullock was paid on commission for advertising and marketing–17.65 percent– and billed its staff’s production time, which the firm itemized on its invoices.

For the 2011 calendar year, EWB was paid $380,625.25. It breaks down accordingly:

Advertising/Marketing: $312,482.65
Agency Commission: $43,556.79
Staff production time: $24,585.81

The total paid for EWB services: $68,142.60 —which may not be completely fair in comparing to TZA since it’s uncertain what professional services TZA contributed towards production and outside firms may have provided those services.

The average monthly payment: $5,678.55 (again assuming we should include staff production time) The monthly average for agency commissions: $3,629.73

The Zimmerman Agency was paid a $8,500 retainer, plus travel for the airport.

Retainer: $102,000
Travel: $714.78
Total: $102,714.78

EWB 2011
Agency Commission: $43,556.79
Staff time: $24,585.81
Total: $68,142.60

Agency costs went up $34,142.60 in one year –up 51 percent under TZA

Note: Not all the EWB were not easy to read so I may be slightly off on some the monthly calculations, but not significantly.
