Exclusive: Behind the scenes of BP Suttles visit

I missed Doug Suttles, BP’s chief operating officer, yesterday. The visit was a surprise that had Santa Rosa Island Authority and Escambia County officials scrambling most of Monday night. BP wanted to limit media access and had a visit scheduled with the News Journal, which has been running full page ads for them. For some reason, BP didn’t contact me to schedule a visit to our office.

I do want to say the Sonya Daniel, Buck Lee and other county officials stood up for keeping the visit open to all media. Unfortunately, we had our hands full most of the day getting our June 24 issue out and couldn’t break free for the 11 a.m. session.

We did do a public records request of SRIA manager Buck Lee’s emails on this trip, which provide some insights into the Suttles visit.

From: Buck Lee [mailto:buck_lee@sria-fla.com]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 5:21 PM
To: ‘Alison A. Perdue’; ‘Michael J. Stebbins’; Elwyn_Guernsey@guernseyfinancial.com; Dave Pavlock; dr.lures@hotmail.com; Fred Gant; Tammy Bohannon; vprather@ci.gulf-breeze.fl.us; Gene Valentino; Grover Robinson; Joy Blackmon; Kevin White; larry newsom; Marie Young; Wilson Robertson
Cc: ‘Bob West’; ‘Jayne Bell’; ‘Matt Mooneyham’; mason_kilgore@sria-fla.com; ‘Dottie Ford’

Subject: bp

Bob West was contacted this afternoon concerning BP wanting to land a helo on Pensacola Beach. Bob informed them it was OK to land at Park West. Mr. Suttles with BP is coming to talk about safety, we think. He may end up at either the Fire Station or the SRIA Board room or even somewhere else. When we learn more we will email everyone. I hope BP sends out a press release so we know what’s going on. They need a Sonja. Please remember the Sunshine Law if any Board members decide to attend.

From: Buck Lee [mailto:buck_lee@sria-fla.com]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 6:50 PM
To: ‘Grover C. Robinson’; ‘Sonya M Daniel’; ‘Alison A. Perdue’; ‘Tammy Bohannon’; ‘dr.lures@hotmail.com’; ‘Elwyn Guernsey’; ‘fjgant@yahoo.com’; ‘vprather@ci.gulf-breeze.fl.us’; ‘Dave Pavlock’; ‘LARRY M. NEWSOM’; ‘Joy D Blackmon’; ‘Alison A. Perdue’
Cc: ‘bob_west@sria-fla.com’; ‘jayne_bell@sria-fla.com’; ‘Matt Mooneyham’; ‘mason_kilgore@sria-fla.com’

Subject: BP

I spoke with Joe Ellis BP rep. He wants to control media and who is invited. I explained as soon as I find out anything Sonja will help me send to all BCC ,SRIA and Media. I explained nicely that we don’t hide anything from media or our officials. This is a photo operations for Doug Suttles. They want to meet with Dr. Neal but he may be at work. This is a cluster.

From: Buck Lee [mailto:buck_lee@sria-fla.com]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 6:53 PM
To: Sonya M Daniel
Subject: FW: BP

Could someone forward this to the commissioners, all I have is Grover on my laptop.

From: Sonya M Daniel [mailto:smdaniel@co.escambia.fl.us]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 6:53 PM
To: Buck Lee
Subject: RE: BP

I’ll do it. J


From: Sonya M Daniel
To: District1; District2; Gene M. Valentino; District3; District4; Grover C. Robinson; District5
Sent: Mon Jun 21 18:54:13 2010

Subject: FW: BP

Please see the message below from Buck Lee


From: Buck Lee [mailto:buck_lee@sria-fla.com]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 6:50 PM

Subject: BP

I spoke with Joe Ellis BP rep. He wants to control media and who is invited. I explained as soon as I find out anything Sonja will help me send to all BCC ,SRIA and Media. I explained nicely that we don’t hide anything from media or our officials. This is a photo operations for Doug Suttles. They want to meet with Dr. Neal but he may be at work. This is a cluster.


From: Joe Ellis [mailto:joewellis@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 9:50 PM
To: buck_lee@sria-fla.com
Cc: Liz Castro
Subject: Suttles Visit

Buck –

Following is the schedule for tomorrow that I prepared for the county PIO to send to all media. I apologize for getting this to you late, but please understand that this trip has only come together fully in the last little while. We did not even have times for a schedule until just recently, and even the notional times changed frequently during the course of the day. We certainly did not mean to leave anyone out of the loop, but that often seems to happen anytime a planning process is so fast and furious and under such a time crunch as this one has been.

I will look forward to meeting you tomorrow. My cell is 202.302.2212, and you may call me at anytime if you need anything from me.


BP COO Doug Suttles to Visit Area on Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Doug Suttles, the Chief Operating Officer, Exploration and Production, BP, will visit the area Tuesday, June 22, 2010. Scheduled events are:

10:15 a.m. Visit to Fort Pickens National Park
Tour of Beach Work Area (Open Press) / Accompanied by Jon Jarvis, Director, National Park Service and elected officials
Campground Registration Building, Fort Pickens National Park

11:10 a.m. Worker Health and Safety Meeting (Open Press)
Meeting Led by Dr. Lee Neal and Mr. Robert Collins
Santa Rosa Island Authority Main Building
1 Via de Luna
Pensacola Beach, Florida

11:55 a.m. Visit to Pensacola BP Claims Center
Tour of Claims Center
One-on-One Interviews (Schedule Permitting)
3960 West Navy Boulevard, Suites 16 and 17
Pensacola, Florida

1:00 p.m. Editorial Board Meeting – Pensacola News-Journal (Participants Only)

From: “Buck Lee”
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 2010 02:58:13 +0000
To: Joe Ellis
ReplyTo: buck_lee@sria-fla.com

Subject: Re: Suttles Visit

Does your security need to check our building?

Buck Lee
Sent from my Nextel BlackBerry

From: joewellis@yahoo.com [mailto:joewellis@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 10:02 PM
To: buck_lee@sria-fla.com
Subject: Re: Suttles Visit

They will want to see it but won’t do anything more than eyeball it quickly. I got the number for Mr. Vineyard to call tomorrow morning for the security guy.
