Rick's Blog

FAF and newspaper sue Florida cabinet

Today the First Amendment Foundation, joined by the Miami Herald, the Tampa Bay Times, Gannett, and GateHouse Media, has filed a complaint against the Florida Cabinet for violations of the Sunshine Law related to the scheduled Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem.

In filing the complaint, Foundation President Barbara Petersen said:

“The decision to challenge tomorrow¹s meeting of the FloridaCabinet was not lightly made – it came after long deliberation and many discussions of both public policy and legal issues. 

Florida’s constitution requires that meetings of the Cabinet at which public business is to be transacted or discussed be open to the public. We wish the Governor and his Cabinet success on their trade mission. But as our complaint makes clear, there are legitimate concerns regarding the constitutionality of holding a Cabinet meeting that Floridians cannot attend.”

Barbara A. Petersen, President, First Amendment Foundation
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