FAF joins lawsuit against Scott and Florida Cabinet

Press release:
Last week, Barbara Petersen, president of Florida’s First Amendment Foundation, sent an open letter to Governor Rick Scott and members of the Florida Cabinet. In her letter, Petersen took note that Mr. Willie Meggs, State Attorney for the 2nd Judicial Circuit, has repeatedly stated his disinterest in conducting an investigation into serious allegations concerning the actions of Governor Scott and the Cabinet surrounding the firing of former FDLE Commissioner Gerald Bailey.

In light of Mr. Meggs’ disinterest in conducting an investigation, Petersen requested that Meggs be asked “to step aside so that a special prosecutor can be appointed to conduct a full and impartial investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mr. Bailey’s departure.”

The Foundation has yet to receive a response from Governor Scott or the members of the Cabinet, and will seek leave to join the lawsuit, Weidner v. Scott, as an amicus. Thomas & LoCicero, a Tampa-based law firm, has agreed to represent FAF pro bono.

“I’m very disappointed by the lack of response from our Governor and Cabinet, as I am with Mr. Meggs’ response,” Petersen said. “The failure of Governor Scott to appoint a special prosecutor to conduct a full investigation is disheartening. Florida’s constitution guarantees us a transparent and accountable government. Yet, due to the inaction and disinterest of our elected officials, we’re forced to go to court in order to learn what truly happened and enforce our constitutional rights. That is simply wrong. Public trust and confidence must be restored and our elected officials held accountable for their actions.”