Farewell message from Farage to RMH supporters

The Ronald McDonald House Continues to Inspire Me

Dear Ronald McDonald House Donors, Volunteers, Supporters & Friends,

Wow!  What an amazing whirlwind the last ten years has been.  With your help and support, we’ve done great things for families.  Instead of turning families away during their greatest time of need, we are now able to give them the most amazing Home-Away-From-Home that comforts them in that special and unique way known only to Ronald McDonald House guests.  It has been my privilege to serve these families and each of you as the Executive Director of the Ronald McDonald House. Every day, I have witnessed acts of courage and grace as our amazing community and network of RMH family and friends come together to serve families with compassion and true heart-felt giving.

So, the question you may have as I announce that I am leaving this mission to go serve our community through United Way is “Why would I ever leave this amazing mission, friends, and volunteers who make my life a blessed place to be?” My answer: “How could I not?  How could I do any less than give with my whole heart and spirit as you all do each and every day that you help make this mission possible.”  I can do no less than my best to make as BIG a difference in our community as possible because you inspire me daily with your endless gifts of time, money and compassion.  It has been the greatest privilege and honor in my life to lead the House through our expansion from 7 to 9 bedrooms, to your amazing new 26-bedroom Ronald McDonald House.  It has been rewarding to watch us grow to a strong charity that has multiple opportunities to engage volunteers who make daily differences in the lives of others.  You are all wonderful and I am humbled and honored to have worked with each of you in friendship and service.

As I get ready to lead United Way, I want each of you to know where your Ronald McDonald House is because of your amazing support.

  • We have an exceptionally dedicated staff that was groomed from a corps of passionate volunteers.  Many were plucked from the volunteer rank and asked to broaden their commitment to a staff position that meant volunteering their whole spirit in a daily commitment to excellence.  Your Ronald McDonald House team is strong!  While we pay this amazing team of professionals for their time serving the mission, they volunteer roughly 240 hours monthly past what they are paid.  On top of that, they donate roughly $1,464 of their earnings back to the House each and every month!  (Keep in mind non-profit salaries when you think of these monthly gifts!)  I would love to see for-profit businesses in America with as committed a team.  I love each and every one of these men and women!!!  The thought of not working with them every day requires me to remember how much they each inspire me to do more!  I hope to make them proud in my new role at United Way.  It has been a privilege working beside them to make a difference.
  • Our volunteers…  I believe if you look in Webster’s under inspirational it must list RMHC Volunteers as the definition.  Each month, wonderful, kind, dedicated individuals volunteer over 2,000 hours for RMH.  Ten years ago we had roughly 35 volunteers, today we have over 635.  We love each and every one of you and I will soon rejoin your ranks!
  • Our Board of Directors: When you hear about charities doing it right, I am proud to say that Ronald McDonald House is often the charity that is referenced.  This is due in large part to a group of 22 of the most amazing individuals/volunteers I have ever known.  They are committed, engaged, and definitely part of what is known as a “working Board”.  It has truly been my privilege to work beside these folks who have become my friends and family.  I know the next Executive Director is going to do great because they have a winning team beside them!
  • Our donors give and give and give some more.  During a recession, these generous friends came forward with $5,000,000 to serve more families.  I owe you all many thanks for your support, your confidence, and your expectation that we would make a difference with your money.  We just paid off the debt on the new House and are raising the $770,000 needed annually to serve families of ill and injured children.  We receive no government or tax dollars to serve these families, but you invest so much of your time, services, and energy that for every dollar donated to our mission we are able to double the impact on families.  Through April, the cost per family stay each night was $108.57 and the value of the services we were able to return to this same group was $205.00 per family per night.  You folks are simply inspirational and your gifts are beyond overwhelming to the families who are served with your generosity.

The next steps…

  • For the next four weeks, I will be readying the Ronald McDonald House for a transition to the new leadership we hope to find through our Search Committee who will begin meeting this Thursday.  My last day serving as your Executive Director will be June 5th.  My first day at United Way will be June 6th.  I will continue to be available to the House as needed but our hope is to find the perfect candidate to lead the House in that time frame.  If you are interested in applying, we will have the job posting and description ready by Friday, May 13th.  It will be posted on our website and through a blast email.
  • If you have questions about the organization, you are welcome to email or call me through June 5th.  Our Board President, Paul Robinson, will also be able to address any issues you may have regarding this mission and your involvement.  Your RMH Staff and Volunteers do it all, so they will be just as efficient and able to help as they have always been.  They, not I, are the true heart of this mission.

Thank you again, for being my inspiration, my motivation, and my family for the last ten years.  It has been a distinct privilege to serve with you all.



Humbly Yours,

Andrea Farage

