Federal Audit: ECUA did not comply with grant requirements

According to a recently released audit, ECUA only spent $1.09 million of a $149.2 million federal grant for Main Street Wastewater Relocation Project with minority-owned contractors and only $4.9 million with women-owned businesses. ECUA officials concurred with the finding and have taken corrective action in recent advertisements for bids on both the Lakewood Phase 5 Sewer Expansion and the Main Street Wastewater Treatment Plant Demolition projects.

The irony is one of the ECUA board members, Elvin McCorvey, is head of the NAACP. If the head of the most prominent civil rights organization in the community can’t make sure that minorities and women get the their fair share of a federal grant, who can? It may time for the local NAACP chapter to get a new leader or District 3 needs a new ECUA board member….or both.

NorthEscambia has the audit on its website.
