Feinberg claims process less responsive

The phones have been ringing off the hook about local businesses still unable to get their claims paid. The new Feinberg process is being overwhelmed and owners are telling me that they aren’t being allowed to talk to their adjusters directly.

Keith and Kim Brooks left their jobs to start a website to help promote the Gulf Coast, YourFloridaEmeraldCoast.com. Keith quit his job nine days before the Deepwater Horizon explosion. He and his wife had dozens of commitments from advertisers and had a strong base to launch the site….before the explosion,

In July, Brooks first submitted his claim Because it was new business without a history, he had some challenges, but was eventually able to document his claim for his BP adjuster. Unfortunately, it took going back and forth for over a month. When he got all his documentation in and had the adjuster satisfied, it was August 18 and Brooks was told that his claim was being passed on to Feinberg’s team.

On August 23, Brooks went online and got a new claim number. He called the next day and verified that they had his documentation. The person on the phone told him that the turnaround would be about seven days.

When he called back later, the person answering the phone wasn’t quite as friendly, but told him that they were reviewing his claim. He called again this week and asked to speak to person handling his claim and was told that he couldn’t because it would slow down the process.

“I’m in limbo, unable to speak with anyone about my claim,” Brooks says. “At least, BP’s adjusters would talk with you.”
