Rick's Blog

Film Fest: Day 2


Much warmer Saturday night and the crowds came out for the Pensacola debut of “The Beach Party at the Threshold of Hell.” The movie stars its writer and co-director Kevin Wheatley (Gulf Breeze High grad) and was filmed at Ft. Pickens on Pensacola Beach in the summer of 2004. Quint and Rishy Studer helped finance the production. Visit Website: Click here.

Sat with Heidi Ewing & her boyfriend and Quint, Rishy & Michael Studer for the film. Nick Bodkins had given Heidi a tour of the Pensacola area which included lunch at the Atlas Oyster House. Magnolia Films who distributes Heidi’s film “Jesus Camp” has taken a clip from the movie that features Ted Haggard and put it on youtube.com and it got over 30,000 hits ( Click Here)

The movie itself was well received. Before it was shown, Wheatley took questions from the audience. He said the movie (which is first of a trilogy) is based on Shakespeare’s Richard III. It will be shown in ten college towns across the country this spring and hit DVD in the summer.

The crowd loved the movie…although it was almost as fun watching the BPTH crew laughing and cheering the movie from the VIP area. The audience bought all the BPTH t-shirts that were available.

Afterwards there was an impromptu after party at Rosie O’Grady’s in Seville Quarter. Kevin was brought on stage for his “Birthday” – He was introduced as “Jack Black”. The crowd sang “It’s a small one after all” to him. Kevin and his LA bunch and Heidi & her date loved Rosie’s. Kevin said, “This is the best bar in the world.”

It was a good night.

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