Firefighters Union speaks on firings/resignations

I received this email yesterday on the resignation of Escambia County Fire Chief Ken Perkins:

Chief Perkins’s county-requested resignation is disheartening. The changes instituted reflect a political decision to satisfy everyone and an inability to effectively mitigate the “real” problem.

The “real” problem is that there are individuals both career and volunteer that are not qualified for and are ineffective in their current positions. It is these individuals that are fighting against progression in an attempt to maintain their mediocrity.

Combining the two separate departments was solely based on increasing the quality of service provided by the fire services in Escambia County. When there are individuals that can never meet that level of quality then those individuals will obviously become highly resistant to the change. Chief Perkins and Chief Isakson stood for an increase in quality and change, regrettable they are now martyrs in this fight.

Mr. Whitfield’s resignation is only positive. He was not necessarily against change but chose to use those individuals that were against the positive changes as a way to propel his career.

Mr. Whitfield’s checkered work history and his inability to meet the minimum requirements for the Deputy Chief’s position made his resignation necessary.

The Consolidation of the career and volunteer departments is making significant advancements. Most of the initial relationship gaps have been bridged. The majority of the career and volunteer personnel are working toward a common goal. The resignation of Chief Perkins has hindered these efforts by catering to a very vocal minority.

I will pledge my immediate support that the new Fire Chief be selected from the outside.

I, along with other members of the Union, will work with the volunteers and a new Fire Chief for the continued pursuit of positive change that is desperately needed for the citizens of Escambia County.

Dan Brask,
President, Escambia County Professional Firefighters, Local 4131
