Florida Chamber goes after teachers

The Florida Chamber of Commerce has begun running radio ads attacking teachers for opposing the so-called “merit pay” bills in the state legislature. Using fear tactics that have have become the standard political strategy of the Chamber, the ad accused “government unions” of “grappling for money and power” and being unwilling to “share in the sacrifice” forced on families and businesses in a poor economy. Even though Florida law prohibits government workers from striking, the Chamber warns that Wisconsin-type strikes and protests are coming.

“Unfortunately, Florida is next on the union bosses’ hit list,” Florida Chamber President Mark Wilson said in the ad that ran in Central Florida last Thursday. “They’re busing protesters to Central Florida right now to harass your courageous state representatives.”

I am a board member of the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce, which is a member of the Florida Chamber. I joined because I see Pensacola Chamber as critical to creating jobs in this market and all the major media have sits on the board. However, I don’t support these type of negative, smear ads.

Making teachers, firefighters and law enforcement the enemy is wrong.

Read Teachers’ union, Florida chamber at odds over ads, rallies
