Rick's Blog

Florida Next Foundation

Former Florida CFO Alex Sink has established a new organization focused on the future of Florida. Here is the email I received from her:


I am excited today to tell you about the launch of the Florida Next Foundation.

The name really says it all — what’s next for Florida?

How do we get from where we are now to where we need to be?

How do we ensure that the future for our next generation of Floridians is as prosperous as the one we remember?

The Florida Next Foundation will be addressing these questions.

Florida Next is a non-profit, non-partisan, communications and research organization that I have created to gather the best ideas from everyday Floridians, small business owners, and entrepreneurs.

Florida Next will use an aggressive platform focusing on interactive social networking, in-person policy forums around the state, opinion polling, and online surveys, to reach as broad an audience as possible so Floridians can share their ideas, concerns and aspirations.

Join us!


Please visit www.floridanext.org


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