Rick's Blog

Florida Political Buzz

The Sunday editions of the daily newspapers around the state are filled with political buzz.

Sarasota Herald Tribune writes that many consider it a lock that Gov. Charlie Crist will run for the U.S. Senate in 2010. In Hot campaign brews in Florida, but not the one you think, it reports that everyone is looking at who will run for governor should Crist move on. GOP side: Agriculture Commissioner Charles Bronson, Attorney General Bill McCollum, U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Longboat Key), former House Speaker Marco Rubio (R- Miami), Florida Senate President Jeff Atwater and St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Baker. Dem side: Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink.

Orlando Sentinel writes about the Florida Legislature “loading into the 2009-10 budget up to $840 million in higher fees on divorces, motorists, fishers and other government-service consumers, while pretending that extra money doesn’t spell T-A-X.” Read How to lawmakers spell T-A-X in Tallahassee? F-E-E.

St. Petersburg Times writes GOP agenda loses traction in Florida Senate. Bills on abortion, marriage, school prayer and creationism are going nowhere.

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