Florida Voices column gets attention


Progress Florida Education Center Daily Clips

Parent trigger bill sparks fierce debate as vote nears
By Leslie Postal
Orlando Sentinel
A proposal that could let parents decide the fate of failing public schools is sparking fierce debate as it heads to a final vote in the Florida Senate this week.

State’s legislators listening to lobbyists, not parents
By Kathleen Oropeza
Palm Beach Post
Instead of calling it the “parent-trigger” bill, maybe we should call it the “paranoia-trigger” bill. The proponents of the divisive “Parent Empowerment Act” (SB 1718, HB 1191) certainly have thin skin.

Bill inspired by missing Rick Scott transition emails now heads to his desk
By Steve Bousquet
Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald Tallahassee Bureau
A new public records law inspired by Gov. Rick Scott will require future governors and other statewide officials to preserve emails during the time between when they are elected and take office.

Affordable Care Act Protects Seniors
By Darden Rice
Florida Voices
At its essence, the Affordable Care Act is good for Medicare, and what is good for Medicare is good for the country.

Legislature overreaches, public pays the bill
Tampa Bay Times
The definition of insanity, the adage goes, is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.FLORIDA POLITICS

Florida Senate leader struggles to keep GOP ‘soldiers’ in lock-step
By Dara Kam
Palm Beach Post
With just two days left in the legislative session, at least two high-priority — and contentious — measures remain unresolved and at least one poses a potentially embarrassing loss for Senate President Mike Haridopolos.

Clay clerk accuses U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns of trying to buy him out of race
By Adam Kealoha Causey
Florida Times-Union
A private clash became public Wednesday when Clay Clerk of the Court James Jett accused U.S. Rep. Cliff Stearns of plotting to buy him out of this fall’s Republican congressional primary. Stearns’ office turned the table, calling Jett’s actions a “contemptuous” ploy to solicit compensation.

MacNamara Reveals Governor’s Price for Favors
By Florence Snyder
Florida Voices
Florida’s government functionaries are, for the most part, faceless fixers who do their best to keep their names out of the newspapers.

Budget trick didn’t fool judge
Palm Beach Post
Leon County Circuit Judge Jackie Fulford’s ruling Tuesday that struck down the 2011 law requiring a 3 percent pension contribution from state employees likely will reach the Florida Supreme Court quickly.POLITICAL RACES

VP Joe Biden raises money in St. Petersburg
By Adam C. Smith
Tampa Bay Times
Vice President Joe Biden slipped into the bay area for a fundraiser Wednesday, where he cheered for the spirited Republican presidential primary to continue for as long as possible.

It’s on: GOP, Democrats fight over women voters
By Laurie Kellman
Associated Press
Is the 2012 election shaping up to be all about women?

Marco Rubio says no worries about long GOP primary, he won’t be VP and Syria is not Libya
By Alex Leary
Tampa Bay Times
Many Republicans are worried about the presidential primary dragging on for weeks or more, a battle that has already inflicted wounds.

Fla. Republicans picking delegates, but not all will be at RNC
By William March
Tampa Tribune
Florida Republican Party officials across the state are playing the most inside of insider political games – choosing delegates to cast Florida’s votes at the Republican National Convention in Tampa.

Challengers take aim at Dyer at 1st Orlando mayor debate
By Mark Schlueb
Orlando Sentinel
The first debate between the four men running for Orlando mayor turned into a verbal slugfest Wednesday night, but most of the blows were thrown at the candidate with the most to lose: incumbent Buddy Dyer.ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY

Trails sponsorship bill passes House, goes to governor
By Bruce Ritchie
Florida Current
The House on Wednesday gave final approval to a Senate bill that allows sponsorship of state trails.

Senate passes growth management ‘glitch’ bill to resolve legal challenge
By Bruce Ritchie
Florida Current
A House bill intended to resolve a legal challenge to last year’s sweeping growth management law rewrite received final approval in the Senate on Wednesday  and is heading to the governor.

BP under fire for contradictory statements on dispersant dangers
By Sue Sturgis
Facing South
Two watchdog groups sent a joint letter to BP America’s Ombudsman Program last week after obtaining a resource manual for the Deepwater Horizon disaster that detailed serious health risks from the chemical dispersants used to break up the oil slick — risks that the company denied publicly.EDUCATION

Fight over parent empowerment bill becomes latest litmus
By Mary Ellen Klas
Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times Tallahassee Bureau
The expected Senate vote on Thursday over giving parents the right to order turn-around programs at their struggling schools is less about parents and more about undercutting the role of Florida’s powerful teacher’s unions, say labor organizers.

Triggering the End of Public Education in Florida
By Rick Outzen
Florida Voices
The Florida Legislature has finally figured out how to destroy public education — under the guise of “school choice.”

House votes to expand school voucher program
By Gray Rohrer
Florida Current
A program allowing corporations to receive tax credits for funding vouchers for private schools will receive an extra $10.25 million under a bill passed by the House on Wednesday.

Education bill with ties to pro-business organization slated for Florida Senate Thursday
By Marcos Restrepo
Florida Independent
The K-12 education Parent Empowerment in Education bill, also known as the “Parent Trigger” bill, is slated to go before the Florida Senate on Thursday.

In Florida, Higher Education ‘Treated Disdainfully’
By Howard Goodman
Florida Center for Investigative Reporting
Unless something unexpected happens, the Republicans who control state government are about to slash $300 million from Florida’s public universities.

Tuition hikes mean students work more, take fewer classes
By Beth Kassab
Orlando Sentinel
Enough with the sophomoric power games that Tallahassee is playing with our universities.JOBS, BUDGET, AND ECONOMY

Governments risked $750,000 on now-bankrupt company
By Aaron Deslatte
Orlando Sentinel
When Redpine Healthcare Technologies decided last summer it was moving its headquarters from Spokane, Wash., to Panama City, Florida economic development officials boasted the project would be generating 410 high-paying jobs.

Get paid for a hard day’s work
By Jose Javier Rodriguez
Miami Herald
No one likes cheaters. No one, that is, except many of our state legislators.

Florida legislators let homeless keep some state funding — for now
By Kate Santich
Orlando Sentinel
An 11th-hour deal in the Florida Legislature is expected to salvage funding to the state’s homeless agencies, but the move is a one-time-only arrangement that advocates say will still cut a range of services to the state’s most desperate citizens.

Tax cut package sails through Senate panel
By Gray Rohrer
Florida Current
A large omnibus tax bill that is part of the budget deal agreed to between the House and Senate moved through the Senate Budget Committee on Wednesday.

Senate approves auto insurance fix with zero debate
By Christine Jordan Sexton
Florida Current
The Senate –  mired in hours of contentious debate just a day earlier — quickly approved an auto insurance fix on Wednesday and sent it over to the House.

Effort to shrink Cat Fund complicates Citizens assessment bill
By Gray Rohrer
Florida Current
Lawmakers pushing to reduce the size of the Florida Hurricane Catastrophe Fund, the state’s reinsurance pool that helps back up private insurers, could end up thwarting another bill favored by private insurers that has received minimal controversy.

State financial chief switches jobs to run Citizens Property Insurance
By Toluse Olorunnipa
Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald Tallahassee Bureau
Tom Grady will step down from his position as head of Florida’s Office of Financial Regulation next week to take on what might be the state’s largest financial liability: Citizens Property Insurance Corp.HEALTH AND SENIORS

Anonymous letters worry AHCA
By Carol Gentry
Health News Florida
Someone is sending warning letters to elderly Medicaid patients about the state’s plan to move them all into managed care.

Hospital sale and lease bill heads to governor’s desk
By Christine Jordan Sexton
Florida Current
A top priority for for-profit hospital chains cleared the Legislature on Wednesday and is on its way to the governor.

Florida among states with highest rates of food hardship
By Ashley Lopez
Florida Independent
According to a survey released last month by the Food Research and Action Center, Florida is among the top ten states with the highest rates of “food hardship,” or the lack of money to buy food.

Health care costs are sky-high in U.S.
Florida Times-Union
Look at the costs for medical procedures in the United States and there is something seriously wrong.CIVIL RIGHTS, PEACE AND SOCIAL ISSUES

Religious leaders condemn ‘anti-Sharia’ bill
By Brittany Alana Davis
Miami Herald/Tampa Bay Times Tallahassee Bureau
An imam, a rabbi and a pastor walked into Senate President Mike Haridopolos’ office Wednesday with two demands: Withdraw the foreign law bill they say targets Muslims, and investigate who is behind anti-Muslim booklets and flyers circulating the Senate.JUSTICE AND THE COURTS

Florida court clerks warn budget means layoffs, closed offices
Staff Report
Tampa Tribune
Florida’s court clerks are warning that the new state budget could lead to roughly 900 people losing their jobs and offices across the state could be closed.

House won’t hear revised, Crist-friendly bill giving Scott more power over JNCs
By Katie Sanders
Tampa Bay Times
A proposal to give Gov. Rick Scott more power over judicial appointments appeared to break down Wednesday amid a disagreement between the House and Senate.

Prison system will keep re-entry centers open
By Steve Bousquet
Tampa Bay Times/Miami Herald Tallahassee Bureau
Days after an outcry from state legislators, the Department of Corrections has decided to keep open two faith-based work release centers that help inmates get jobs and learn life skills in the months before they rejoin society.


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