Ford vs. May

How seriously is Clay Ford taking the challenge by newcomer Lumon May for House Dist. 3 seat? Very. The Republicans fear that they could lose this seat that has been gerrymandered to weaken the black vote. This is the only district in Northwest Florida that might actually elect a Democrat.

His supporters and Ford himself are heavily pushing the idea that Ford will be in line for the House Speaker in 2012. The theory goes that Ford will have the edge over all the other new representatives of the Class of 2009 since he has already served a partial term.

There is no proof that Ford will ever be Speaker; no proof that the House will even be Republican – but that is the beauty of Ford’s strategy. He has got people believing something that we won’t even know for sure until 2010. Amazing!

May is out building his grassroots campaign. Young, committed and someone who was toiled in the trenches for this community. He is a novice. Big money is backing Ford. May will have to win it on the ground. It won’t be a race of black vs. white – but young ideas vs. old ideas.

This is the most intriguing race of the year.
