Rick's Blog

Fountain blames demise on local media and bloggers who ‘repeatedly crossed line and bullied public employees…’

Mayor Ashton Hayward’s Chief Operations Officer, Tamara Fountain, resigned this morning. She also sent a letter to the Pensacola City Council saying, “It has been an honor to work for the citizens of Pensacola.”

She said her decision to resign was due to personal attacks that she said are unfair and unproductive. The former COO accused some of the local media and bloggers having “repeatedly crossed the line and bullied public employees and public officials.”

“In our role as public servants, we don’t respond, but the toll it takes on productivity and morale and our families cannot be overstated,” Fountain wrote. “Over the past few days, my home address, personal phone number and other personal information have been posted to the internet.”

She said, “I am a wife and a mother and the bottom line is simply that this is too much to ask of my family.”

Read Fountain Letter to Councilmembers.

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