Fourth Annual Fill the PSC Ambulance nets 4,000 lbs. of food for Manna

EMT students load ambulance
Pensacola State College’s fourth annual Fill the Ambulance food drive sponsored by EMT and paramedic students netted more than 4,000 pounds of donations for Manna Food Pantries recently. This was the largest collection to date, completely filling the ambulance.

The students partnered with the Walmart Supercenter on Mobile Highway, which kicked off the day’s donations with $50 in food goods and provided boxes throughout the day.

Along with EMT Program Director Steve White, 11 students participated in the event that was coordinated by EMT student team leaders Cindy Columbia and Angela Thompson.

Also participating were students Jennifer Boardwyne, Thela Cordero, Brock Daily, David Domoslay, Jesse Floyd, John Kerns, Courtney Kocon, Nicola Salcido and Noah Sanchez.
