Free Ashton sticker for sale online, Messer weighs in

The Independent News has the perfect stickers for citizens to voice their take on Pensacola City Council’s attempt to put Mayor Ashton Hayward on trial for allegedly losing his temper with a city employee at the end of the October Gallery Night. On Cafepress (here), we have “Free Ashton” and “Let Our Mayor Go” stickers.

City Attorney Jim Messer has weighed in on the possible investigation of Mayor Ashton Hayward. He worries that the council has presumed that the mayor is guilty and certain council members are bias or prejudiced against Hayward. Both of which taint the integrity of any investigation.

He writes that until there are sworn statements that the Mayor did something illegal, unethical or contrary to the Charter imposed duties, “there is simply nothing to investigate.”

After an analysis of any sworn statements, the Council determines if any violation of the charter has happened. Also, the Council has to determine if the Charter gives them any power to discipline the mayor, what would be the form of that discipline and how it can be enforced.

Read Messer on Investigation.
