Rick's Blog

From Pensacola Osteopaths

From the Facebook page of Pensacola Osteopaths, 14 West Jordan St. Suite C – They will be open tomorrow:

We will see as many people as we can. If you are an evacuee here from Louisiana, and you forgot your meds, lost your meds, didn’t bring enough meds, we will see you FOR FREE, evaluate you and provide you a fresh script to get you through your stay here.

High blood pressure is no joke. Diabetes is no joke. You don’t want to be trying to get through an emergency without a supply of your medications, and you don’t want to have to sit in an ER full of possible COVID patients waiting for a refill. If you need medicine, please come see us.

We will NOT be able to provide refills of controlled substances (i.e. adderall, ritalin, percocet, norco, lortab, morphine, etc), but we will refill other medications, including those for high blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, and the like. Call us if you have any questions: 850-368-7528.

As always, our food pantry and clothing closet are available to whoever needs it. You DO NOT have to be a patient to use either. If there’s no clothing out front that fits you, ask! We might have something in the back just waiting to be brought forward.

We’re in this together. Your suffering this month might be ours next month. Let us know if we can help. #HurricaneIda

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