Gaetz calls for multi-year phase in of new school testing

State Senator Don Gaetz said in a press release that he believes future changes to educational standards should be done over multiple years. He believes there should be a balance between the push to gain new ground and the ability to sustain and internalize the significant learning gains made in recent years by Florida students and schools.

“The State Board of Education should develop a scientifically-based, multi-year phase-in of future changes to educational standards and testing in consultation with school districts, educators and the Legislature. On that basis, Florida can build an even stronger foundation for better schools and better student performance.”

In 2014-2015, Florida will replace the FCAT with the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) -which Gaetz, the former superintendent of Okaloosa County public schools, described as “nationally valid and reliable method of measurement that uses ‘common core’ standards and end-of-course exam.”

“Fairly comparing our students and schools against those of other states will bring growing pains,” said Gaetz. “We should anticipate that the speed of change now in place could make implementation particularly challenging. Our public school families and educators deserve an environment of certainty in which definitions, rules and expectations are understood by all, thereby giving excuses to none.”
