Gaetz in driver seat on shaping DeSantis administration

Congressman Matt Gaetz helped Ron DeSantis pick his lieutenant governor, Jeanette Nuñez, coached him on the debates and now will be one of the chairs of DeSantis’ transition team.

Susie Wiles, who chaired DeSantis’ successful gubernatorial campaign, will be the executive director of the transition process. His former chief of staff, Scott Parkinson, will serve as deputy executive director.

“I’m confident these individuals will ensure our administration is ready to lead on day one to make our state cleaner, safer and stronger for all Floridians,” DeSantis said in a prepared statement.

Chairing the transition team are Congressman Matt Gaetz, state House Speaker Richard Corcoran, former U.S. Sen. George LeMieux and former Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings, who served under Gov. Jeb Bush.

DeSantis will be sworn into office on Jan. 8.