Gannett blasted for furloughs

The New York Times media columnist David Carr blasted Gannett execs for building their fat paychecks on the back of their workers. Gannett is owner of Bella and Pensacola’s daily newspaper.

From the column:

The top six executives at the embattled publishing company would receive 2010 compensation packages of more than $28 million if the company does very well, which seems unlikely, but the symbolism remains. The savings from two years of mandatory furloughs for the rest of Gannett employees: $33 million.

In the past five years, Gannett’s work force has gone from 52,000 employees to just over 32,000. Locally Gannett shut down its printing press, eliminating those jobs. While nationally the media giant may be struggling, the local media solution is very profitable. And though the workers still take unpaid furloughs, Publisher Kevin Doyle has avoided any more layoffs.

Read At Gannett, Furloughs but Nice Paydays for Brass
