Gannett Blog also went after editor

Gannettblog – May 20, 2008:

The top editor at the Pensacola News Journal, Dick Schneider, writes about his paper’s asking readers for money-saving ideas to help them through rocky economic times in Florida’s poorest urban county. Schneider’s content is OK; it’s the one-dimensional presentation that’s nuts. His piece is basically a text document; I count one embedded link, to a three-week-old Schneider column in the News Journal, inviting readers to participate.

His News Watch piece doesn’t include an e-mail address, so readers could contact him with feedback and follow-up questions. What’s more, the article is illustrated with what I finally realized is a screen shot (inset, above) of a Gannett News Service story that appeared in the Pensacola paper, apparently as part of its new money coverage plan. Want to read it? Don’t look in Schneider’s article for this easy-to-add link; the News Department didn’t include that, either.
