Rick's Blog

Gannett Lite

OK, I admit that I don’t read the News Journal on a regular basis, if at all. However, I didn’t realize how light its local coverage has become–at least on Wednesdays. The Local section has only two true local news stories in its six pages, their combined word count is 556 words–ServisFirst branch (309) and No Pedi-cabs (247) Everything else is wire stories or reprints of press releases. Of course, I’m not including obits or the arrests reports.

The IN is a small, local paper, but our news stories range from 800-1200 words. The Buzz runs from 500-1000 words. Our cover stories average out to be about 3000 words. All the columns are 400-500 words each. The A&E stories are about 700-800 words each.

This is sad. On a good day—when I get off my butt–this blog could even have more local news than the News Journal, one of the most profitable daily newspapers in the Gannett chain.

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