Rick's Blog

GAO: Homeland Security failing

In this age of accountablility, the GAO (Government Accountability Office) stands for independence as ti reviews various government programs and initiatives. This past week, the GAO issued report card on the Dept. of Homeland Security – which has ballooned to 220,000 employees.

The DHS has failed to make even moderate progress toward eight of 14 internal government benchmarks more than four years after its creation. This is just the opposite of what the Bush administration spin doctors have been telling us. The DHS has met fewer than half of its performance objectives, or 78 of 171 directives set by Pres. Bush, Congress and the department’s own strategic plans.

According to the Washington Post:

Analysts from across the political spectrum have complained that the DHS has spent $241 billion over four years without performing a disciplined analysis of threats and implications.

Read: GAO Criticizes Homeland Security’s Efforts to Fulfill Its Mission

Here is the report and its highlights:

Department of Homeland Security: Progress Report on Implementation of Mission and Management Functions
GAO-07-1081T  September 6, 2007
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