Rick's Blog

Gen Z waits Florida Supreme Court decision


The Florida Supreme Court must decide between now and Monday, April 1, on whether to allow ballot initiatives concerning recreational marijuana and abortion rights on the November 2024 ballot.

Why this matters: Jayden D’Onofrio, chairman of Voter or Tomorrow, told me that those initiatives will motivate young voters to take to the polls in November.

“These are two issues that really, really matter to youth, and it’s fantastic that we’re likely to have that on the ballot, assuming they clears the Florida Supreme Court,” D’onofrio said. “That’s going to provide quite the jump to youth voter turnout in Florida and allow us to understand how much support is there for both of those issues. We estimate it to be well over 70% for the Right to Choose among youth voters.”

Dig Deeper: The justices will determine whether the proposed amendments address a single subject and whether the ballot summary and title are misleading.

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