Get your fat butt off the couch

Press Release (my title): Running Wild has announced three comprehensive training programs that begin in July and culminate with local running competitions in September and October. Designed by professional instructors and coaches, My First 5K, My First 10K and My First Triathlon programs were developed by Running Wild to help runners reach progressive running and fitness goals through weekly coached sessions and workshops. The courses range from 12-16 weeks in duration. Cost is $250 per program, which includes a custom fitted pair of running shoes (up to $140 value). Participants can register online at

Introductory meetings will be held at 5:30 at Running Wild’s Pensacola location, 3012 E. Cervantes Street, on the dates below.

Kick-off meeting dates and associated competition:
* My First 5K: July 6, Kickoff meeting and first run; ends September 24 with Seafood Festival 5K
* My First 10K: July 18, Kickoff meeting and first run; ends October 8 with Tiger Trot 10K
* My First Triathlon: July 7, Kickoff meeting; ends October 1 with Santa Rosa Island Triathlon

For more information and to register online, visit or call (850) 435-9222.
