Gingrich’s Fly-by

A chilly line of political spectators waited outside an airplane hangar this morning for an opportunity to see GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Though he has slipped dramatically in the polls over the past few days, local voters seemed jazzed the former Speaker was dropping into town the day before Florida’s primary election.

Once allowed inside the hangar, the public stood and waited with their poster board signs. Some glanced over some campaign flyers. Karen Allen secured a spot up close and said she appreciated Gingrich’s “big ideas.”

“I’m also very angry at all the negativity,” Allen said. “And I think Romney started it.”
After several introductions—from the likes of Bob Livingston and Michael Reagan—Gingrich brought his pitch to the podium. He hit all the high notes—the economy, religion, the military and eliminating the department of energy.

Gingrich also made note he was in a military town and vowed not to cut defense spending.

“I don’t want the Chinese, I don’t want the Pakastanis, I don’t want the Iranians, I don’t want the Venuzuleans or Cuba or anybody else to be confused,” Gingrich said.

—Please check the IN’s print edition (also on the web) Thursday for the full and vivid portrait of the pre-primary campaign visits.
