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Gov. DeSantis releases $114.4 billion budget plan

Press Release from Governor’s Office:

Today, Governor Ron DeSantis announced his Focus on Florida’s Future budget proposal for Fiscal Year (FY) 2024–2025. The Focus on Florida’s Future Budget totals $114.4 billion, more than $4.6 billion less than the current year budget, with $16.3 billion in reserves, leaving ample resources for any unforeseen economic issues.

Florida has experienced record success over the last five years, ranking #1 in education, net in-migration, entrepreneurship, and new business formations, with 2.7 million new businesses formed since 2019. The Governor’s Budget also continues Florida’s record as the nation-leading example of success through fiscal conservatism by paying down an additional $455 million in debt and providing $1.1 billion in tax relief.

“Success is not something that is handed to a state as large as Florida, it requires a steadfast commitment to supporting families at every step,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “By expanding workforce education for high-demand jobs, providing family-first tax relief, ensuring that Florida’s students can access a quality education that fits their needs, investing in resilient infrastructure and putting conservative principles at the forefront of every decision, we have delivered time and again for our residents. Florida’s success is proof positive that when you establish a foundation of governing on conservative principles and protect the freedom of your residents, success will follow. I look forward to seeing what we can accomplish over the next year.”

To read the budget highlights, click HERE.
To read the transmittal letter, click HERE.
To read the budget FAQs, click HERE.

Family Focused Tax Relief

The Governor’s Budget recommends more than $1.1 billion in tax relief for Florida families for Fiscal Year 2024–2025. The tax relief package focuses on reducing the cost of homeowners insurance in addition to sales tax holidays for items that families need throughout the year. The tax package for the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget includes:

Investing in Florida’s Property Insurance Market

Since passing record reforms to improve Florida’s property insurance market, conditions continue to make promising improvements. In addition to providing tax relief to reduce the cost of homeowners insurance, the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget invests over $109 million to support residential home mitigation programs and additional oversight of the property insurance market, including:

Educating Florida’s K–12 Students

Florida is the education state, ranking #1 in a variety of different educational categories, including overall education and education freedom. Florida has prioritized providing our students with a high-quality education that fits their individual needs. The Focus on Florida’s Future Budget builds on Florida’s record investments in education, providing a historic $27.8 billion in funding for the K–12 public school system. This will include the highest per student investment ever, providing $8,842 per student, an increase of $175 over last year. This investment will also cover the costs of the more than 274,000 students who are projected to participate in Florida’s school choice program, the Family Empowerment Scholarship.

Additional funding highlights for Florida’s K12 students include:

Florida is also continuing to prioritize the safety of our Jewish Day Schools in the midst of rising antisemitism. The Governor’s Budget recommends $10 million for enhanced security measures at Jewish Day Schools across the state. To continue educating Florida’s students on the atrocities of the Holocaust, the Governor’s Budget recommends $1.35 million for the Florida Holocaust Museum.

Florida Leads the Nation for Higher Education

Florida has ranked #1 for Higher Education for seven years in a row, while also holding the line on tuition to provide a quality education at an affordable price. The Governor’s Budget builds on Florida’s success and ensures that Florida will continue to have the top education system in the country.

For colleges and universities, the Governor’s Budget recommends:

Providing a quality education that leads to quality jobs is an important part of ensuring that Florida’s workforce can continue to meet the demand of the job market. When the Governor took office, he set a goal of being the best state in the nation for workforce education by the year 2030, and Florida is well on its way to meeting this goal, investing more than $8 billion in workforce education since 2019. The Governor’s Budget continues this progress by investing a historic $853 million for workforce education programs, ensuring that Floridians can continue to access workforce education opportunities that lead to high-demand, high-wage jobs. This investment includes:

The Governor’s Budget also includes $35 million for the Florida Semiconductor Institute at the University of Florida to support workforce development for semiconductor manufacturing and research and development.

Supporting Florida’s Economic Development

Florida is the fastest growing state in the nation because Governor DeSantis has championed freedom first policies and continued investments that create opportunities for Florida families to thrive. The Focus on Florida’s Future Budget continues to make smart investments to support Florida’s infrastructure, workforce and economy to ensure they can continue to meet the demand of our growing state.

Rather than sit idly by as the federal government continues to politicize infastructure investments, the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget prioritizes investments that reduce congestion and expedite the movemnt of goods through the state’s supply chain.

To support Florida’s transportation network and infrastructure, the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget invests:

To help create new jobs and support business development throughout the state, the Governor’s Budget invests:

Florida’s rural communities are an important part of the success of our state and the Governor’s Budget continues to provide our rural communities with the resources they need to thrive. This includes:

As Florida continues to grow and attract new workers, it is important to ensure that they can access housing in the communities in which they work. To support workforce housing, the Governor’s Budget includes:

Economic Support for Law Enforcement and the Military

Governor DeSantis has always recognized the invaluable contributions made to Florida by its law enforcement and military communities. To support Florida’s law enforcement and military communities, the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget includes:

Everglades Restoration and Water Quality

Florida’s natural resources are directly tied to the economic resilience of the state and provide important defenses against natural disasters such as hurricanes. Florida has made record investments in protecting our natural resources and conserving the Florida way of life and Governor DeSantis continues this commitment in the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget.

During Governor DeSantis’ first term as Governor, he signed record investments to protect Florida’s Everglades and support water quality, investing a record $3.3 billion. At the start of his second term, he called for a historic $3.5 billion investment over the next four years. The Governor’s Budget recommends $1.1 billion for Everglades restoration and water quality, bringing the total investment during the Governor’s second term to $2.8 billion. This investment includes $745 million for Everglades restoration projects:

To continue protecting Florida’s water quality and supply, the Governor is recommending $330 million for targeted water quality improvements to achieve significant, meaningful and measurable nutrient reductions in key waterbodies. This includes:

Additional water quality investments include $50 million to restore Florida’s world-renowned springs and for land acquisition to protect springsheds as well as more than $55 million to improve water quality and combat the impacts of harmful algal blooms, including blue-green algae and red tide. The Focus on Florida’s Future Budget includes $80 million for the Alternative Water Supply Grant Program to help communities plan for and implement vital conservation, reuse and other alternative water supply projects.

To support conservation lands and to protect the great outdoors for generations of Floridians to enjoy, the Governor’s Budget invests $50 million in Florida’s State Parks for infrastructure improvements and resource management with the goal of maintaining Florida’s world class parks which have won the National Gold Medial a record four times. The Governor’s Budget also includes more than $125 million to protect Florida’s conservation lands and waterways to ensure Florida’s prized properties are accessible for future generations of Florida families. This funding includes $100 million for the Florida Forever Program, the state’s blueprint for conserving Florida’s natural and recreation lands, including those located within the Florida Wildlife Corridor.

Florida is home to 1,300 miles of coastline which plays an important role in Florida’s economy and quality of life, attracting visitors from across the world and providing an invaluable defense against hurricanes. The Governor’s Budget includes $50 million in beach nourishment funding to bolster our shorelines. Additionally, the Governor is recommending $22.8 million for coral reef protection and restoration, including $11.3 million to continue Florida’s Coral Reef Restoration and Recovery Initiative established in Executive Order 23-06, to restore 25 percent of Florida’s Coral Reef by 2050.

The Governor’s Budget also prioritizes the protection of Florida’s working agricultural lands and family farms, providing an annual appropriation of $100 million to the Rural and Family Lands Protection Program to enter into perpetual conservation easements. In order to preserve Florida’s iconic citrus industry, the budget invests more than $20 million for citrus research and the Citrus Health Response Program. This includes $5 million for research and additional advertising by the Department of Citrus.

To further protect Florida’s rural areas and communities surrounded by Florida’s beautiful forests, the Governor’s Budget provides $4 million to support the replanting of trees and timber impacted by hurricanes and natural disasters, in addition to investing over $30 million in Florida’s efforts to effectively combat wildfires including equipment, road and bridge maintenance and Wildfire Protection and State Forest operations.
The Focus on Florida’s Future Budget also includes $211 million for the cleanup of contaminated sites with a focus on promoting redevelopment of these areas once cleanup has been completed.

Supporting Disaster Response, Recovery and Mitigation

In 2023, Governor DeSantis, the Division of Emergency Management, state agencies and local partners rose to the significant challenges imposed by disasters including hurricanes Ian, Nicole and Idalia. The Governor’s Budget provides $1.3 billion in state and federal funding for disaster recovery, mitigation and emergency management to continue helping Floridians impacted by a disaster while preparing for future disasters.

This includes $199.9 million in state match provided for the state cost share associated with authorized federal funding to eligible local and state recipients for reimbursement of the response and recovery cost, as well as state management costs relating to federally declared disasters.

Additionally, the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget includes $396 million in additional federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for local hurricane recovery and hardening efforts throughout the state, including the CDBG Disaster Recovery Program and the CDBG Mitigation Program.

Investing in a Healthier Florida

Governor DeSantis has been steadfast in his commitment to supporting the healthy lives of Floridians. This includes providing support for those struggling with mental health and substance abuse and victims of human trafficking in addition to supporting Florida’s seniors, Floridians with unique abilities, veterans, and Florida’s mothers and children. The Governor has also prioritized critical cancer research and innovative treatments.

To support mental health resiliency and those suffering from substance abuse, the Governor’s Budget recommends:

To support important cancer research, the Governor’s Budget includes:

To support Florida’s mothers, their children, and the children in the child welfare system, the Governor’s Budget invests:

To support Florida’s seniors, the Governor’s Budget recommends:

To support Floridians with unique abilities, the Focus on Florida’s Future Budget invests more than $127 million in funding to allow additional individuals with disabilities to be provided necessary services through the Home and Community Based Services Waiver. The budget also provides for the expansion of the pilot project aimed at supporting individuals who have both a developmental disability and mental health diagnosis to receive evaluation and treatment in the most appropriate setting. Funding is also provided to support the planning of implementation of a new waiver aimed at providing targeted services for adults with unique abilities who are entering adulthood.

The Governor’s Budget invests an additional $8.9 million to support additional equipment and capital improvements for the State Veterans’ Nursing Homes. The budget also includes $102 million to begin the construction of the ninth State Veterans’ Nursing Home in Collier County upon federal grant approval. Additionally, $2 million is recommended to assist veterans in securing meaningful skills-based employment, provide employers with a skilled talent pipeline, and assist veterans in creating and operating a small business.

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