Gov. Scott gives interview

Not to mainstream media–or even us–, but to the Florida Baptist Witness. Gov. Rick Scott gave Florida Baptist Witness a 20-minute interview on May 3. The governor told the Baptist newspaper that he believes that reducing taxes is the key to revitalizing Florida’s economy.

“Whether it’s regulation, it’s taxes, it’s fees, it’s permitting, it’s attitude—all these things come into play when somebody’s making the decision of whether they’re going to grow
or start or expand their business,” Scott said.

Scott admitted that he has joined a church since moving to Tallahassee, but he reads the Bible, a daily devotional and prays “a lot.”

Scott, who helped start Naples Community Church nearly five years ago. According to the Naples News is a relatively small church formed after Pastor Kirt Anderson, officiated over the weddings of both of Scott’s daughters, and others, including Scott, left First Presbyterian Church of Naples. It’s church that doesn’t take political stands on issues such as immigration, abortion or gay marriage.
