Governor gives PEDC $250K to help Corry Field; Santa Rosa $250K for land swap

Yesterday, Gov. Ron DeSantis announced more than $2.1 million in additional funding for military-supporting infrastructure through the Defense Reinvestment Grant Program. The grants support infrastructure projects and economic growth in Florida’s military communities. Half of a million dollars went to local projects.

“Florida is committed to investing in our military’s capacity and in military communities,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “These funds continue my mission of making Florida the most military-friendly and veteran-friendly state in the nation.”

“Under the leadership of Governor DeSantis, Florida is continuing to support critical projects that further strengthen military readiness,” said Secretary of Commerce J. Alex Kelly. “These awards will have impacts across the state, building on past investments and further cementing the bond between our defense communities and military installations.”

Since 2019, Governor DeSantis has awarded nearly $6.3 million to Florida’s military communities through the Defense Reinvestment Grant Program to local governments or economic development organizations representing a local government with a military installation.

Among the awards listed: Awards through the Defense Reinvestment Grant Program include:

  • Pensacola-Escambia Promotion and Development Commission ($250,000) – to develop advanced facilities to accommodate existing and future cyber assets adjacent to Corry Station.
  • Santa Rosa County Board of County Commissioners ($250,000) – to fund a master plan to guide a land swap between the county and the Navy on a current outlying landing field.

For more information on military community programs, visit the Office of Military and Defense webpage here.

DIG DEEPER: The Pensacola-Escambia Development Commission (PEDC) was established through the adoption of a legislative act in 1989, HB 984, Amending Chapter 67-1365, Laws of Florida providing for a change in the membership structure of the Pensacola-Escambia Development Commission (PEDC) with its purpose being to actively seek new industry for the area, and expansion of existing industries.

Chairman – David Peaden, Florida Power and Light, Escambia County Appointee
Vice Chairman – Commissioner Steven Barry (District 5), Escambia County Board of County Commissioners
Secretary/Treasurer – Councilwoman Allison Patton, Pensacola City Council Member Appointee
FloridaWest Board Appointee – Dave Hoxeng, Past Chairman, ADX Communications
City of Pensacola Appointee – Dr. Lusharon Wiley, Innisfree Hotels
Pensacola City Council Member Appointee – Councilman Charles Bare, City of Pensacola
Escambia County Appointee – one of the commissioners to be named
Century Town Council Member Appointee – Alicia Johnson, Century Town Council (Seat Four)
FloridaWest Board Appointee – Erica Grancagnolo, City of Pensacola

Photo by Pepi Stojanovski on Unsplash
