Rick's Blog

Grants for Economic Development available -$30 million

From Sen. Don Gaetz office: The University of West Florida (UWF) Office of Economic Development and Engagement (OEDE) today began accepting proposals for grant funding to promote business development and research in Northwest Florida.

Earlier this year, Senate Bill 2156, sponsored by Senator Don Gaetz and signed into law by Governor Scott, appointed the OEDE to manage and administer $30 million over the next three years to aid in job creation and economic diversification.

“The purpose of the Oil Spill Economic Recovery Act is to diversify and strengthen our regional economy,” Senator Gaetz said. “The 30 million dollars appropriated under this law over the next three years can help bring new good jobs to our area if there are quality, sound, sensible proposals from our chambers of commerce and economic developers.”

“This initiative provides incentives at the right time to support business location and expansion in Northwest Florida,” said Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Executive Director Doug Darling. “UWF’s Office of Economic Development and Engagement is positioned to use these grants to accelerate capital investments and job creation in the region.”

The funding is available to grant proposals within the eight Northwest Florida counties most impacted by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill: Bay, Escambia, Franklin, Gulf, Okaloosa, Santa Rosa, Walton and Wakulla counties.

“This funding represents a strong commitment by the Governor and the Legislature to jump-start our region’s recovery from the effects of the 2010 oil spill, and to set us on a path to sustainable growth and economic diversification,” said Dr. Rick Harper, OEDE director. “The precise amount of funding to be allocated will depend on the number of eligible project proposals that OEDE receives and approves.”

The initiative comprises two grant programs: the Industry Recruitment & Expansion Fund (IREF) and the Innovation & Entrepreneurship Fund (IEF).The IREF will supplement state and local economic development incentives for medium and large enterprises locating or expanding operations in the eight-county region. Information is available at www.uwf.edu/OEDE/IREF.cfm.

The IEF will target funds to businesses that expand or locate in the eight-county region which are likely to serve as catalysts for growth of existing industry or significantly affect the regional economy. Information is available at www.uwf.edu/OEDE/IEF.cfm.

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