Grassroot Soccer

Avery Bullock and two of her fellow soccer team members/classmates, Stephanie Mamelson and Rachel Jones, are holding a 3 v. 3 soccer tournament on March 1st to benefit an organization called Grassroot Soccer. The girls are juniors at Pensacola High School. The event itself is called Kick Aids.

It is a great cause. The website is .

These kids are totally pumped up about it. They sent a letter of solicitation out to community leaders and have raised over $700 so far.

The parents have underwritten all of the costs to organize the tournament to date (printing, mailing, t-shirts, etc). The referees for the tournament are donating their time and the girls are approaching other businesses for donations of food and beverages.

Aside from the donations already received they will raise funds by charging the participants $10 per person to play as well as t-shirt sales ($15 a piece). All funds raised will go directly to the organization (checks are made out to Grassroot Soccer).

They have a wonderful poster (designed by another classmate) which they have distributed to high schools and soccer clubs in the area as well as sports stores. They are also recording a “commercial” which will be aired on as many of the high school channels as they can get on!

If you would like to help – email Avery at Make out your checks to “Grassroot Soccer” and mail them to Avery Bullock, 510 E. Government Street, Pensacola, FL 32502.

Grassroot Soccer is a 501c3 non-profit.
