Rick's Blog

Greyhound track may get more regulations

Florida is No. 1 in greyhound racetracks. According to the Miami Herald, state regulators want more inspection power and penalties for animal abusers.

The industry has had problems from dog-doping with cocaine to force them to run faster to the 2002 discovery that a former Pensacola racetrack worker had been paid $10 apiece to shoot up to 3,000 aging greyhounds on his Alabama farm.

There is a bill in state legislature that would give state regulators new powers to enforce ”humane treatment” of racing animals:

-Investigators could go into track-owned kennel areas to examine dog medicines and food and to check on the welfare of animals.
-State could take administrative action against animal abusers instead of waiting months or years for a criminal prosecution.

Read Tracks may face tougher scrutiny

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