Groundswell Rising Film Screening with Craig Stevens, Feb. 22

Craig Stevens discusses hydraulic fracturing after a screening of Groundswell Rising, Protecting Our Children’s Air and Water.

What: Groundswell Rising Film Screening with Craig Stevens
Where: Bayview Resource Center, 2001 E. Lloyd St., Pensacola, FL 32503
When: Saturday, February 22, 1–4 p.m.

The public is invited to a film showing of Groundswell Rising followed by a presentation on hydraulic fracturing by Craig Stevens. This event is brought to you by the Don’t Frack Florida initiative, a partnership between Earth Action, 350 Pensacola, and 350 North Florida.

The documentary film explores the expansion of fracking and the rise of a movement to challenge a system that promotes profit over the health of our environment. This event includes a discussion of the controversial practice of fracturing to extract oil and shale gas. Pennsylvania resident and activist Craig Stevens brings to participants his personal experiences and his mission to expose the harmful effects of this practice.

Learn more about the film at