Grover deserves credit

applauseGrover Robinson’s victory over Tom Banjanin deserves special attention. There are those who want to label his campaign win as big money winning out, but it was much more than that.

Grover has deep roots in this community. His dad was a true statesman and community leader. His mother was loved by all. He has worked hard to live up to their expectations and their legacies.

He  has worked hard in the community – Junior Achievement, Fiesta of Five Flags, Christ Church, Cordova Park Elementary PTA – both as a leader and as a worker. And over the years he has built solid friendships and earned the respect of all that worked with him.

Yes, Grover raised more money than Tom, but he and his supporters worked their tails off every weekend for months. He walked the neighborhoods and listened to the voters.

His efforts were rewarded on Sept. 5th. Grover won every precinct, except Pensacola Christian College. He beat Tom 2 to 1.

Money didn’t make that happen. It was Grover’s hard work, dedication and support from his friends and neighbors.