Grover given Environmental Leadership award

Press Release: Florida Local Environmental Resources Agencies Awards Commissioner Grover C. Robinson, IV with the Outstanding Environmental Leadership Award..

The Florida Local Environmental Resources Agencies (FLERA) presented Escambia County Commissioner Grover C. Robinson, IV with the Outstanding Environmental Leadership Award during the 2012 FLERA Annual Award Luncheon. The Outstanding Environmental Leadership Award is presented to a local government elected official that has displayed outstanding leadership qualities among their peers on environmental issues.

“It is always an honor to be recognized for your efforts and I gratefully appreciate the recognition from FLERA. From the emerald water and white sand of the Gulf to a Spanish moss decorated oak, hammock spring or a long-leaf pine forest to an open expanse of grass wetland, Florida’s environment is unique and beautiful. Florida’s environment and economy are not mutually exclusive and one cannot exist without the other. I am humbled by the award and very proud that I have been part of the team that has made significant improvements and changes in both our air and water quality,” said Commissioner Robinson.

The FLERA is an association of Florida local government environmental departments. The mission of the FLERA is to enhance communication, education and advocacy for Florida local environmental protection efforts. Formed in the late 1960s as a voluntary association of local environmental programs to share information about mutual resources concerns and solution, today, the FLERA is a diverse organization of state, county and municipal agencies and consulting firms. Its members provide a wide variety of environmental protection and land management services
