Grover proposes TDC plan

An Open letter sent to TDC and media:

Dear Fellow TDC Members:

I realize the intention of this meeting was not to begin the debate of tourism in Escambia County. However, it is an opportunity for us to begin to ask for an open exchange of ideas. That open exchange and public debate will provide us the correct direction for this community. It will be imperative for all of us to come to these meetings with an open heart and open mind to truly discern what is best for the community and not necessarily what is best for our own individual private interest.

I have been as shocked as anyone to see how the last two weeks have proceeded and the ability for multiple individuals to manufacture my personal ideas on tourism. I have been even more shocked that the News Journal has responded with printing their comments, which are at best speculation and at worst malicious lies.

In a conversation with a friend at lunch, he told me why don’t you just present your plan and allow others to quit talking for you. Therefore, I am submitting to you the only plan which Grover Robinson endorses in writing without any discussion with any person. In perfect intent with the Sunshine Law, this is a collection of my thoughts and support which anyone else can attempt to make or amend as the public sees fit in open public meetings.

These ideas are put forward without any discussion or collaboration with either hoteliers or beneficiary organizations such as chambers of commerce. In the end, the Escambia TDC is dependent on neither of these groups but rather the independence to put forward a structure and idea that offers the best to the citizens of Escambia County.

Finally, there will certainly be discussion and debate on this proposal as well as any others. However, at no time does anyone, either on this board or in this community, have the right to say what Grover Robinson endorses outside of this explicitly submitted plan.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Grover C. Robinson, IV


Escambia County, per Florida Statutes will levy and administer a 4-cent tax on all lodging stays less than 6 months. Those monies will have to be spent according to Florida statutes.

Per Florida Statute, Escambia County will be required to have a Tourist Development Council (TDC) with membership as established per Florida Statutes. That group will periodically meet and entertain requests for funding proposals and make recommendations. Those recommendations will be moved to the Escambia County BCC for their final ratification and implementation into budget. The TDC Board will administer only the first 3-cents of the bed tax. The 4th-cent revenue will remain the responsibility solely of the Escambia County BCC. At the same time, the Escambia County BCC will have to administer that 4th-cent bed tax within eligibility established by Florida Statutes.

The TDC Board will be an all volunteer group comprised of members designated by Florida Statute. There will be no staff or expenses. The Escambia County BCC will provide administrative staff to provide all administrative services such as advertising, communications and scheduling for the TDC Board. For its efforts, the BCC will receive an administrative fee that shall not exceed that allowed by Florida Statute for those services.

The day-to-day operations of the Escambia County tourism will be handled by the Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB). The CVB, which has its own separate board established by Florida Statute and Escambia County ordinance, will be responsible for hiring employees to administer the policies adopted by the TDC and Escambia County BCC for tourism promotion.

The proposed Escambia County CVB will be up for bid every three years to any community organization which wishes to house that entity. However, unlike the current administration, other than receiving money it should be the obligation of the bidders to submit how much they are willing to provide in cash and support services to pay for the CVB operations. (Please note that in this proposal CVB operations will no longer be paid for by Escambia County tax dollars but rather by bid to the entity which can bring the best possible return to the Escambia County citizens.)

The CVB will be responsible for administering the bid for advertising services. That bid should be handled through the organization that houses the CVB along with and in conjunction with the Escambia County Purchasing Office to ensure compliance with all Florida Statutes and open bidding regulation.

While the entity who secures the CVB will be able to administer the advertising per their request for proposal, there are certain requirements that will be placed on it and they are as follows:

1. All advertising regardless of what location is shown or displayed will reflect all three tourist destinations in Escambia County being Pensacola Beach, Perdido Key, and Pensacola.

2. While the advertising group will have to determine exactly how to present such information it is expected that in certain publications one of the three entities can receive a bigger font to emphasis that specific geographic location. However there would have to be some formula to ensure equitable highlighting is provided to the three entities.

3. While the CVB is eligible to create their own advertising RFP, it is suggested that they consider having multiple advertising agencies with each agency responsible for a specific segment (i.e., one organization could do TV, one organization print, and one organization social.) However, the benefit would be engaging multiple minds to produce the best possible talent for the citizens of Escambia County.

4. Again the ultimate advertising procedure will be administered through the CVB bid process; however, it would be strongly encouraged that CVB engage local media companies such as Gannett, to purchase media opportunities in other nationwide cities that are within our target market. (Gannett is by no means the only national media company in this market. However, they are the only ones to present at a TDC function or such a request, which I said at the time had validity).

5. Again this is a suggestion to both the CVB and the TDC that they make a determination once established that monies from the first 3-cents will strictly go to fund advertising for the region. Advertising does include advertising for specific events which will occur in the area; however, there will be no direct support to any specific agency and/or event.


The 4th-cent will remain the responsibility and authority of the Escambia County BCC. The BCC should use that money to support entities and events that are engaged in the tourism process. Since the CVB has been bid out and supported by whatever organization will be holding it, the $600,000 currently provided to the Pensacola Chamber will be eligible to redistributed. That money could be used to support entities including but not limited to Pensacola Sports Association, Perdido Key Chamber, Pensacola Beach Chamber or surviving entity of the Santa Rosa Island Authority. Funds from the 4th-cent will be eligible for spending on either advertising, organizational administration or events for organizations engaged in tourism. In the future, all 4th-cent monies will be required to submit support justification for their expenditures based on room night stays generated during the budgeting process with the BCC.


Upon the implementation of the proposal, the BCC will enter into an agreement with the TDC that Civic Center expenses will remain an eligible use of the first 3-cents for five years. During the first two years of implementation, the TDC and the County will continue to use the Civic Center Advisory Committee (CCAC) to coordinate with the County and its operator to minimize the cost attributed to the bed tax. Additionally, the CCAC will work with both entities to ensure a way in which the Civic Center can be completely removed from the first 3-cents after five years. The County will need to determine some measure or combination of financial support through usage of the facility, tax dollars and the 4th-cent.

This is simply a proposal of ideas I can support. These, by no means, are supported by the hoteliers or any of the various chambers which derive monies from bed tax. At the same time, this is the only thing which I have expressed any opinion for as we move through debate. That is not to say that opinions could change with new proposals and open debate. It is saying that at this time, anything contrarily contributed to Grover Robinson is false, erroneous and maliciously misleading.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Grover C. Robinson, IV