Gulf Restoration After the BP Spill: Where Are We Now?

Press release: It’s been over five years since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 people and causing untold damage to the natural resources of the Gulf and coastline. While many fines and penalties have been paid by BP and its partners, it is often overwhelming to keep track of who is receiving money for what, and what are the real benefits to the community and the environment.

Pensacola’s Jessica Koelsch, Florida Policy Specialist for National Wildlife Federation, will provide an update and overview of restoration processes such as RESTORE and NRDA, and share information on “where we are today” both locally and regionally. Jessica works with many of the 23 Gulf-Coast Counties, as well as with the State of Florida, as they develop plans and select projects to implement with restoration funds. She will also share what efforts are being done to ensure that restoration projects consider future impacts from climate change and sea level rise and work toward a future of clean, renewable energy. Ms. Koelsch has an extensive background in marine research and conservation focused on wildlife, including sea turtles, right whales, manatees, and other marine life.

The presentation is part of a monthly speaker series on climate change sponsored by 350 Pensacola. For more information please contact Christian Wagley at 850-687-9968 or

What: Gulf Restoration After the BP Spill: Where Are We Now?

Where: Bayview Senior Center, 2000 E Lloyd St, Pensacola

When: Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7 pm
