Gun Rights folks split on HB 733

Rep. Dane Eagle (R-Cape Coral) has introduced HB733 that would prohibit any state agency from cooperating with enforcement of any federal gun laws – past, present or future.

The bill called “The Second Amendment Preservation Act” declares that no agent of the state or its political subdivisions may participate with or assist federal agents in the enforcement of federal firearms laws, or provide material support of any kind to federal agents in the enforcement of these laws. State agents and/or contractors who knowingly participate in or provide support for the enforcement of federal firearms laws would be subject to dismissal.

The NRA isn’t in favor of it.

On Jan 30, 2014 Ms. Marion Hammer, spokeswoman for the Florida NRA, released the following statement about the recent House Bill 733:

HB-733 is NOT an NRA bill and, at this time, we have taken no position on the bill. We have grave concerns about the effect of the bill — whether the consequences are intended or unintended. Of primary concern is the effect the bill would have on positive progun legislation that NRA has worked hard to pass in the past and hopes to pass in the future. The bill does not differentiate between positive progun legislation and restrictive gun control laws that negatively effect Second Amendment rights.

However, the paper received an email from the Florida Citizens Alliance blasting Hammer and supporting the bill:

Ms. Hammer is not only fear mongering and using intimidation, but she offers an unconstitutional view that the Feds have the power to make good or bad gun legislation. As a result, she gives Florida Legislators a very simple choice—Violate your Oath of Office by accepting Ms. Hammer’s fear mongering and her unconstitutional view of federal powers OR honor your Oath of Office and support FL HB 733 to protect Floridians.

Ten States have recently used the 2nd Amendment Preservation approach to protect their Citizens from Federal Overreach on the 2nd Amendment. The recent unconstitutional Presidential Executive Orders that infringe the 2nd Amendment, and the rampant and accelerating threats to initiate federal gun registration by the President and members of Congress, drive us to demand that our Florida Legislators use every Constitutional means to protect our right to keep and bear arms!

The National Association for Gun Rights and the Gun Owners of America strongly support using all of the Constitution to protect your right to keep and bear arms! Why does the NRA seems bent on protecting its turf while risking our 2nd Amendment Rights?