Hall asks for input on Saenger funding

Got his email from Pensacola City Councilman Sam Hall:

Fellow Pensacolians:

Here’s the scorecard regarding additional funding for the Saenger Theater renovation:

Phone calls and e-mails in favor of the funding:  SEVERAL
Phone calls and e-mails against the funding:  ZERO

Regardless of which way you feel, I want to hear from you, especially if you are a District 2 resident.

My inclination (gut) is to say no to additional funding and instead personally sponsor a seat at the theater for $1000, but if I do not hear from the NO side, I am likely to vote for it.  It is an anchor “business” downtown, is historically significant, culturally relevant, and supported by more than 15 groups with membership lists exceeding 10,000 people, but $15 million is a lot of money (not all that is from the city) and supporters of the Saenger have managed to raise only a little more than $1 million (no small feat, but no where near what’s needed), but Mr. Greenhut and Friends of the Saenger are working on it.

Hearing from you will make a difference with my decision.  Please provide concrete reasons for your position.

My official e-mail address is shall@ci.pensacola.fl.us .
