Hands Across Capitol Against Drilling

From Emerald Coastkeepers

WHEN:    Tuesday, July 20, 2010

WHERE: The Capitol Courtyard (between the old and new Capitol)

Tallahassee, FL

TIME:     11:30 am EST

Please join Crude Awakening,  Hands Across The Sand, The Florida Wildlife Federation, 1Sky Florida, and other Florida organizations for a Hands at the Capitol Event to ask our legislators to let Florida citizens decide the question – Should drilling be banned from our state territorial waters?

Join us on Tuesday July 20 at 11:30 am EST in the Capitol Courtyard for this important event then stay to visit with your elected representatives to ask them to let the voters decide.

Goal: at least one caravan from EVERY legislative district! Please tell all your supportive friends in Florida!

For more information on this important event, including finding out about places to stay and other events in Tallahassee that week, please go to this link –
or  contact Kim Ross at crudeawaketally@gmail.com
