Rick's Blog

Hawkshaw heat

Keep getting reports from around town that the SF committee gang and their friends are still upset about Hawkshaw Music Fest. Places like the bar @ Jackson’s, Hub Stacey’s and Fish House.
Typical line is “I support what they’re trying to do, but they never should have said SF was dead. It’s not dead. We’re going to bring it back next year.”

Reality check: SF went on life support when the rights were sold (or given, in some cases) to Emerald Coast Sports group (2002-03), SMG Pensacola Civic Center (2004) and Capt n Fun (2005).
My position is clear – Pensacola is on a very positive roll – Community Maritime Park and the relocation of the Main St. Plant. Cancelling the downtown music festival for the second year in a row was a step backward. SF wouldn’t step up so we did.

IF SF comes back, then there are 51 other weeks in the year they can hold it. We wish them well.

Meanwhile: while SF chose to sit on the sidelines for the second consecutive year.  Local bands that counted on the SF to help promote themselves have suffered. Another year without SF wouldn’t be good for the local music scene.

…..The Outzen women tell me that I have an uncanny ability to piss people off. They’re right once again.

Regardless, Hawkshaw will happen on May 19-20. I will do my best to make this the last time I mention SF.

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