Hawkshaw local and regional music possibilities


We’ve had several local and regional bands contacted us or have been suggested.
Here are a few of the names:

Social Element – www.myspace.com/socialelement

Faktion – www.myspace.com/faktiondallas

Cryin’ Out Loud – members.cox.net/colband/COLINTRO.htm


Molly Ringwalds – www.myspace.com/themollyringwalds

Among Them – www.myspace.com/amongthem

Southern Culture on the Skids –Southern Culture on the Skids ::

Miles from Coltran – www.myspace.com/milesfromcoltrane1

Frank Booth

Touch of Gray – www.touchofgray.net

Civilized Natives – www.myspace.com/civilizednatives

One Small Step For Landmines – www.myspace.com/onesmallstepforlandmines

The Names

Lindsey Battle Band – www.myspace.com/lyndseybattle
