Hawthorne rips off UCLA Family Resources Report, too

This is hilarious. He even stole their logo. His Pensacola Family Resource Center, Inc. report titled: “Developing the Brownsville School Property into the Pensacola Family Resource Center to Support Pensacola/Escambia’s Children, Families and Communities is ripped off of an August 2001 report (“Using Family Resource Centers to Support California’s Young Children and Their Families”) written by Bruce Waddell, Family Resource Center Collaborative and The Stonebridge Group, Inc., Michael Shannon, Los Angeles Unified School District
Student/Family Assistance Program and Rhea Durr, MPH, UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities.

Hawthorne includes a disclaimer on his cover:

This report is designed to support the implementation the Pensacola Family Resource Center. This report is adapted from reports and research written by a team of experts from the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities and provides comprehensive and authoritative information on critical issues concerning the development and operation of the Pensacola Family Resource Center, Inc

But even this partially rips off the cover of the August 2001 report:

Building Community Systems for Young Children is a series of reports designed to support the implementation of Proposition 10: The California Children and Families Act. Each installment is written by a team of experts and provides comprehensive and authoritative information on critical issues concerning young children and families in California.

The two reports have nearly identical Tables of Contents. He does take the Hope Street description and use it for his Pensacola Family Resource Center. Hawthorne does delete any references to Proposition 10 for which this report was written. However, the recommendations are the same. And even though the original report is nearly 10 years old, he lists the same web resources, not even taking the time to update them. The same is true for funding sources—-it would be logical those would have changed in the past decade.

What is really clever (I guess it’s his adaptation) is Hawthorne takes Appendix B: Considerations When Starting a Family Resource Center (page 29 of the UCLA report) and relabels it “Start-Up Tasks of the Pensacola Family Resource Center” (page 22 of his report).

Here are the two reports:

August 2001 Using Family Resources

January 2011 Pensacola Family Resource Center

