Hayward drops out of BLAB TV production, but show will go on

From Tamara Fountain, City Communications Administrator:

Statement by Mayor Ashton Hayward on BLAB TV show

I’m proud of the hard work that the City and its incredible workforce are doing every day for the citizens of Pensacola. The concept of the of the BLAB TV program was to highlight those efforts and the people who make it happen so that our citizens can be better informed and proud of the City’s efforts on their behalf.

Unfortunately, it’s been incorrectly reported that I was going to host or “star” in this program. It’s no secret that I am running for re-election and that makes me the target for attacks. But these political attacks should not extend to our valued employees and their efforts on the citizens’ behalf. Rather than having my opponents try to score cheap political points by deflecting from the good work the City is doing, I will not be participating in the TV program this year. Instead, the program will move forward without my involvement and showcase the great projects, programs, and services the City provides. I will, however, do all I can to draw attention to the tremendous progress our city has made and that, together, we are moving Pensacola upward.

