Hayward passes out $750 bonus to employees

Yesterday, this message was sent to all the City of Pensacola employees:


December 5, 2011

Re: City Employee Appreciation

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It has not been lost on me these last eleven months that you have served the last four years without pay increases. Make no mistake — I know how dedicated, professional, and hard-working you are. I have been working to create value for employees through our new incentive program and additional vision and life insurance benefits, but I realize that doesn’t impact your overall bottom-line.

While our budget issues still exist, it is important to me that you know that your work is valued and appreciated. To that end, in the near future every permanent full-time employee will receive a one-time payment of $750 in recognition of your hard work and your efforts to reduce costs while maintaining an exceptional level of service both internally and to our citizens. For those of you that belong to a union, please be advised that any payment must be approved by your bargaining representation, which may affect the timing of your payment.

I am very proud of what we have been able to accomplish this year. Exciting things are happening here in Pensacola — made possible by our teamwork and dedication. Together, we are moving Pensacola forward.

