Heads Up: It’s gonna be hot!

With the high heat index values forecasted for the weekend, Escambia County Emergency Management urges residents to take safety precautions while trying to stay cool.  Residents working outside should take frequent breaks and be sure to stay hydrated with plenty of water.  Also, please remember to check on your elderly neighbors and family members to make sure they are staying cool.  Here are a few more friendly reminders:

 Limit exposure to the sun and stay indoors.  If you do have to work outside be sure to wear plenty of sunscreen and reapply as needed.

  • Stay on the lowest floor in an air-conditioned structure. If air conditioning is not available, stay in shaded area.
  • Eat well-balanced, light and regular meals. Avoid using salt tablets unless directed to do so by a physician.
  • Drink plenty of water. Persons who have epilepsy or heart, kidney or liver disease; are on fluid-restricted diets; or have a problem with fluid retention should consult a doctor before increasing liquid intake.
  • Limit intake of alcoholic beverages. None is best.
  • Dress in loose-fitting, lightweight and light-colored clothes that cover as much skin as possible.
  • Protect face and head by wearing a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Check on family, friends and neighbors who do not have air conditioning and who spend much of their time alone.
  • NEVER leave children or pets alone in closed vehicles.
  • Avoid strenuous work during the warmest part of the day. Use a buddy system when working in extreme heat and take frequent breaks.
  • Pets should be kept out of direct heat, provided shade and water.
  • Monitor news media for latest information.

