Hospital scores are in

The HCAHPS are in for our hospitals and are available on the federal

HCAHPS is the first national, standardized, publicly reported survey of patients’ perspectives of hospital care. HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems; also known as the CAHPS® Hospital Survey) is a standardized survey instrument and data collection methodology for measuring patients’ perceptions of their hospital experience.

Do you want to see the scores?

Be patient (no pun intended) the best scores are at the end –

Heart Attack Process of Care Measures
A heart attack (also called AMI or acute myocardial infarction) happens when the arteries leading to the heart become blocked and the blood supply is slowed or stopped. These quality measures show some of the standards of care provided, if appropriate for most adults who have had a heart attack. These process of care measures tell you how many patients at the hospitals you selected get treatments known to be effective for most adults who have had a heart attack. The percentage includes only patients whose history and condition indicate the treatment is appropriate.

Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given Aspirin at Arrival
Baptist 94% of 144 patients
Sacred 98% of 232 patients 2
West Florida 92% of 142 patients

Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given Aspirin at Discharge
Baptist 97% of 202 patients
Sacred 99% of 315 patients 2
West Florida 97% of 183 patients

Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given ACE Inhibitor or ARB for Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD)
Baptist 86% of 42 patients
Sacred 99% of 75 patients 2
West Florida 82% of 51 patients

Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given Smoking Cessation Advice/Counseling
Baptist 100% of 85 patients
Sacred 99% of 140 patients 2
West Florida 100% of 86 patients

Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given Beta Blocker at Discharge
Baptist 98% of 207 patients
Sacred 98% of 314 patients 2
West Florida 97% of 204 patients

Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given Beta Blocker at Arrival
Baptist 93% of 133 patients
Sacred 96% of 235 patients 2
West Florida 81% of 95 patients

Percent of Heart Attack Patients Given PCI Within 90 Minutes Of Arrival
Baptist 27% of 26 patients
Sacred 40% of 60 patients 2
West Florida 60% of 47 patients

Note: 2 Measure reflects the hospital’s indication that its submission was based on a sample of its relevant discharges.

Pneumonia Process of Care Measures
Pneumonia is a serious lung infection that causes difficulty breathing, fever, cough and fatigue. These quality measures show some of the recommended treatments for pneumonia. Click here for more information about pneumonia. These process of care measures tell you how many patients at the hospitals you selected get treatments known to be effective for most adults with pneumonia. The percentage includes only patients whose history and condition indicate the treatment is appropriate.

Percent of Pneumonia Patients Given Oxygenation Assessment
Baptist 100% of 270 patients
Sacred 100% of 291 patients 2
West Florida 100% of 176 patients 2

Percent of Pneumonia Patients Assessed and Given Pneumococcal Vaccination
Baptist 76% of 166 patients
Sacred 95% of 197 patients 2
West Florida 70% of 138 patients 2

Percent of Pneumonia Patients Whose Initial Emergency Room Blood Culture Was Performed Prior To The Administration Of The First Hospital Dose Of Antibiotics
Baptist 83% of 220 patients
Sacred 91% of 224 patients 2
West Florida 95% of 128 patients 2

Percent of Pneumonia Patients Given Smoking Cessation Advice/Counseling

Baptist 100% of 115 patients
Sacred 97% of 66 patients 2
West Florida 94% of 31 patients 2

Percent of Pneumonia Patients Given Initial Antibiotic(s) within 6 Hours After Arrival
Baptist 90% of 48 patients
Sacred 94% of 53 patients 2
West Florida 76% of 29 patients 2

Percent of Pneumonia Patients Assessed and Given Influenza Vaccination
Baptist 80% of 88 patients
Sacred 96% of 77 patients 2
West Florida 57% of 46 patients 2

Note: 2 Measure reflects the hospital’s indication that its submission was based on a sample of its relevant discharges.

Heart Failure Process of Care Measures
Heart Failure is a weakening of the heart’s pumping power. With heart failure your body doesn’t get enough oxygen and nutrients to meet its needs. These quality measures show some of the standards of care provided for most adults with heart failure. Click here for more information about heart failure care. These process of care measures tell you how many patients at the hospitals you selected get treatments known to help most adults with heart failure do better and keep from getting worse. The percentage includes only patients whose history and condition indicate the treatment is appropriate.

Percent of Heart Failure Patients Given Discharge Instructions
Baptist 68% of 325 patients
Sacred 98% of 394 patients 2
West Florida 48% of 265 patients

Percent of Heart Failure Patients Given an Evaluation of Left Ventricular Systolic (LVS) Function
Baptist 89% of 387 patients
Sacred 99% of 436 patients 2
West Florida 94% of 298 patients

Percent of Heart Failure Patients Given ACE Inhibitor or ARB for Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD)

Baptist 84% of 120 patients
Sacred 97% of 193 patients 2
West Florida 78% of 124 patients

Percent of Heart Failure Patients Given Smoking Cessation Advice/Counseling

Baptist 99% of 99 patients
Sacred 100% of 88 patients 2
West Florida 100% of 52 patients

Note: 2 Measure reflects the hospital’s indication that its submission was based on a sample of its relevant discharges.

Survey of Patients’ Hospital Experiences Back to Top
The HCAHPS (Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems) survey was used to collect the following information. This survey asks patients about their experiences with care during a recent overnight stay in the hospital.

Percent of patients who reported that their nurses “Always” communicated well.
Baptist 83% Sacred 79% West Florida 69%

Percent of patients who reported that their doctors “Always” communicated well.
Baptist 81% Sacred 81% West Florida 74%

Percent of patients who reported that they “Always” received help as soon as they wanted.
Baptist 68% Sacred 63% West Florida 62%

Percent of patients who reported that their pain was “Always” well controlled.

Baptist 72% Sacred 72% West Florida 67%
Percent of patients who reported that staff “Always” explained about medicines before giving it to them. Baptist 63% Sacred 59% West Florida 50%
Percent of patients who reported that their room and bathroom were “Always” clean. Baptist 69% Sacred 69% West Florida 51%
Percent of patients who reported that the area around their room was “Always” quiet at night. Baptist 60% Sacred 52% West Florida 50%
Percent of patients at each hospital who reported that YES, they were given information about what to do during their recovery at home.
Baptist 80% Sacred 78% West Florida 78%
Percent of patients who gave their hospital a rating of 9 or 10 on a scale from 0 (lowest) to 10 (highest). Baptist 75% Sacred 73% West Florida 62%
Percent of patients who reported YES, they would definitely recommend the hospital. Baptist 78% Sacred 78% West Florida 66%

Medicare Payment and Volume
Heart Attack without Complications (DRG 122)

Average Medicare Payment:
Baptist $4,990 Sacred $8,258 West Florida $4,770
Number of Medicare Patients Treated
Baptist (*) Sacred 23 Medicare Patients West Florida 19 Medicare Patients

Medicare Payment Range for Hospitals in the United States for this Diagnosis Related Group $4,841 – $6,123
Total Number of Medicare Patients Treated in the United States for this Diagnosis Related Group 47,635

Medicare Payment Range for Hospitals in Florida for this Diagnosis Related Group $4,877 – $5,435
Total Number of Medicare Patients Treated in Florida for this Diagnosis Related Group 3,562

Heart Attack with Major Complications (DRG 121)

Average Medicare Payment: Baptist $7,808 Sacred $9,462 West Florida $8,049
Number of Medicare Patients Treated
Baptist 41 Medicare Patients
Sacred 70 Medicare Patients
West Florida 25 Medicare Patients

Medicare Payment Range for Hospitals in the United States for this Diagnosis Related Group $7,996 – $10,044
Total Number of Medicare Patients Treatedc in the United States for this Diagnosis Related Group 132,205

Medicare Payment Rangeb for Hospitals in Florida for this Diagnosis Related Group $7,978 – $8,872
Total Number of Medicare Patients Treated in Florida for this Diagnosis Related Group 10,445

An asterisk (*) appears in the table where data cannot be disclosed shown to protect personal health information due to the small number of Medicare patients (fewer than 11).
